
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Eggplant Meatballs


I had eggplant meatballs at a restaurant recently and couldn't believe how fabulous they tasted. What a healthy way to enjoy one of our favorites dishes, spaghetti and meatballs!


- 1 medium to large eggplant
- 1 egg, slightly beaten
- 1/2 cup canned cannellini beans, rinsed and drained (you can also use navy beans)
- 1 tsp. diced garlic
- 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh basil
- 1/2 cup finely grated parmesan cheese
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1/4 tsp. pepper
- 1 cup Panko breadcrumbs (use Italian Panko if you would like more Italian flavor)
- Olive oil mister or nonstick pan spray
- Spaghetti sauce (homemade or store bought)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and place eggplant on top. Use a fork or a knife to prick eggplant about 4 to 6 times. Place eggplant in oven for 30 minutes. Remove and cool for about 20 minutes. Leave the oven on. Slice eggplant in half lengthwise and scoop out the flesh, removing as many seeds as possible. Discard flesh. Chop the eggplant into very small pieces and place in a medium bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients, down to and including Panko. Combine ingredients. Line a baking sheet or baking dish with foil and spray cooking spray on foil. Roll eggplant mixture into balls (about the size of a golf-ball) and place them on the baking sheet or dish. Lightly mist them with the olive oil or baking spray and put them in the oven, baking them for 20 minutes or until they are golden brown and a bit firm. Remove, and enjoy with your favorite spaghetti sauce. If you'd like a printer-friendly version of this recipe, Click Here.

"It's really simple... be good to each other." - Anonymous 

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